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The Ontario Center School

School Programs

  • ELL Program

An English Language Learner Instructional Assistant meets with identified students daily, both in classrooms and in a pull-out program.  The program includes individualized instruction and the instructional assistant communicates regularly with the classroom teacher, the principal and the district's bilingual coordinator.

  • Field Trips

Field trips are funded through the hard work and dedication of our PTA.  Students are provided with an off campus educational experience that related to the curriculum being taught.  Field trips are a privilege and students who demonstrate consistent inappropriate behavior may lose the privilege of attending the field trip.

  • Insurance

Student accident insurance by a private carrier is available during the year.  Application forms will be sent home to all parents early in the year.

  • Library

The library is open for student exploration and enjoyment before school, during recess and lunch.  Teachers may send groups of students to do research be appointment.  Students are guided in their classroom library time by the classroom teacher.  Library skills, research skills, and book exploration are facilitated by the teacher.

Parents are responsible for all books (textbooks and library books) issued to their child.  Lost or damaged books must be paid for.  (Report cards will be held in accordance with state law for library and textbooks that are not replaced.)  Our library also loves volunteers.  Join our Library Friends by calling Mrs. Sapp at 948-3044.

  • Fifth Grade Promotion

All fifth grade students, who remain in satisfactory academic and behavioral standing, will participate in year end culmination activities.  These activities will include a promotion assembly, picnic and a special field trip.  Students who demonstrate less than 50% passing grades will lose the privilege of participating in the promotion assembly.  Students who demonstrate consistent inappropriate behavior will lose the privilege of attending the picnic and/or the special field trip.

  • Psychological Services

A district psychologist provides psychological testing services as needed.  The district psychologist works closely with the Student Study Team, The Response to Intervention Team, the student's teacher, and the parents to reach closure on an adjustment problem, proper placement or needed psychological testing.

  • School Site Council

School Site Council is a body, in compliance with state law that guides the direction of our School Site Plan.  If you are interested in being elected to serve on our School Site Council, please contact Tamara Thompson our Special Program Coordinator.

  • Science Fair/History Day

THE ONTARIO CENTER SCHOOL is involved in a district wide Science Fair or History Day held every other year on a rotational basis.  Student projects are generally home assignments which are based on the scientific method or Social Studies curriculum taught in the classroom.  A special evening, usually Open House, is set aside for the displaying of the projects for patents and community.  After projects are evaluated by a panel of judges, selected winning projects go on to County competitions.

  • Speech Therapist

The role of the Language Speech and Hearing Specialist is to screen, assess, and provide remediation for LSH (Language/Speech) students.  Our part time therapist meets with children who have identified speech and/or language problems.

  • Student Government

The Student Council is made up of elected officers and classroom representatives.  The Council promotes leadership initiative, and responsibility.  It is the duty of the representatives to report activities to their class and bring suggestions and concerns to the attention of the Council.  All participants must maintain satisfactory grades.

  • Student Study Team

Students who have academic, behavioral, attendance, or health needs may be referred by a classroom teacher to the Student Study Team.  The team consists of the Student Study Team Coordinator, classroom teachers, special education teachers, speech therapist, and other support personnel as needed.  The group discusses a student's particular need and provides recommendations to assist the classroom teachers in helping each student reach his or her potential.

  • Technology

Technology is a focal area in the Cucamonga School District.  A District Technology Committee has been instrumental in the development of the district technology master plan.

  • RSP Program

THE ONTARIO CENTER SCHOOL staff includes a full-time resource specialist who meets on a regular basis with students who have identified learning needs.  Daily individualized instruction is provided within the regular classroom setting, as well as a pull out setting, to meet a wide variety of learning needs such as visual, memory, auditory perception, reversals, and concentration problems.  I.E.P.'s (Individual Education Plans) identify student needs and the resource specialist and classroom teachers work together to see that needs are being met.